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Indian Passport Renewal and Surrender

Passport Renewal

Procedure for Renewal of Indian Passport

You can renew your passport in UK  if you have got right of stay in UK.

We provide a Complete service  from completing the form online to documents you require to submit and make an appointment for you.
  • Documents required

    Re-issue of Passport on expiry or up to one year before expiry/ Insufficient blank pages (Having a valid visa)

    1. Online application form .
    2. Indian Passport Checklist
    3. 2 Two recent photographs (2 inch X 2 inch)
    4. Annexure E – to be added with all the applications
    5. Copy of the First and last page of the passport. Copy of Entry Visa if last passport is not issued in London.
    6. Copy of Valid UK Visa/ Biometric Card
    7. UK address proof.
    8. The passport application form must be filled with one Indian address( with Police station & Pin code)
    9. VFS Declaration Form

Passport Surrender

Renunciation / Surrender of Indian Passports

The Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, does not allow dual citizenship. Holding Indian Passport / acquiring Indian Passport / travelling on Indian passport after acquisition of foreign citizenship constitutes an offence under the Indian Passport Act, 1967, and attracts penalties.

Under the Indian law, Persons of Indian Origin who have acquired foreign Nationality are required to surrender their Indian passports to the nearest Indian Mission/Post immediately after acquisition of foreign citizenship

Documents Required for Surrender of Indian Passports
  • Duly filled application form.
  • Printed & signed copy of the declaration form (to be attached with each application)
  • Original Indian Passport (Last/Valid Indian passport at the time of Naturalization)
  • Self-attested photocopy of Indian passport (Bio page, Address page along with all used pages)
  • Two recent 50 mm * 50 mm size photographs. Please check the Photo Specification.
  • Self-attested photocopy of the current British / Foreign Passport( Only the photo page*)
    *Note- If the applicant has had more than one British passports since naturalisation, They are required to submit the original first British passport & self-attested photocopies of all the pages of the first British passport’.
  • Self-attested photocopy of British / Foreign Naturalisation certificate
  • If UK Passport has not yet been obtained, a declaration from the Applicant stating “My UK passport is under process should be submitted.